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Friday, April 12, 2024
By Emma and Ger
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What makes a good media shot?

Keep it simple.

Having people in the shot is great so try and pick the key people only. A photo with 3 people is much more likely to get used than one of a big group. 

Kids are great but be careful that they aren't too young. Kids from about 6 years old work well as they should take direction better than an toddler. 



Have a plan, we love to plan out what we think will work for your photo. Try and  have a prop than will help tell the story your trying to get across. 

Plan it for a time that you won't be rushed or stressed. The more time we have the more options we can get you. Remember you might what something for your social media channels as well. If you're doing it alongside an event ask the people involved to be half an hour early so we can get the shot before others arrive. 

Branding is fine but don't go overboard as it tends to look like an advertisement and the papers won't run a free advertisement. They want stories and images to match the story.  

Make it fun and creative. The more laughs and smiles you can have in a photo more lively it will look. Happy photos make for better content.  

Be prepared,

we all love Ireland but there is a good chance the one day you want to be outside it will rain.  It's not just rain that can throw off a shoot. Believe it or not the sun can play havoc on a shoot day. No one wants sun is their eyes making the squint. If you are planning an outdoor shot just be flexible with the chance it may change. Have a backup location ready that you will be just as happy with. 

All the things you have to think about. People with long hair,if we are going outside it might be windy tie that hair up and away. You can get more tips about what t wear by reading the blog for headshots.  



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